The Christmas/New Year "break" gives most of us a chance to catch our breaths. However, with ongoing classes, presentations due and even an exam on 30th December, I've been catching my breath at the expense of my studies.
I've come to realize that
1. MBA students love to gossip - at any opportunity, they will gossip about anything. From who your father is, to who you're dating. But that should be a given, since the community is really very small. 120 students - two classes of 60 each, there are bound to be people who want to gossip.
2. Not everybody is a douche bag - however, those that are douche bags tend to identify themselves quickly and soon, everybody knows about it. I guess the lesson is, if you fuck up, everybody else will know about it. So try and be a nice person.
3. Class marks are very subjective. I've seen two people work on the same project, but yet, get different marks from the lecturer. Same people, same results, different report, different results. People who participate in class getting lower marks for class participation than those that don't participate. Strange things have happened. I'm tempted to see how many politically incorrect things I can say in class, mainly because I know while I'm not interested in getting the best marks, I won't fail the class because of class participation.
The Speed Freak - Days of Anger (DJ Sharpnel Remix)
Sorry, I've no idea what they say, but it's a pretty nice song :)
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