About Me

I was poking around on Blogger when I found that I could create pages. More interestingly I could create an About Me page. Not that you really want to know about me, but I thought I would create it for fun - just for you, incase you wanted to know about me.

I was born in Asia, but grew up for a few years outside Asia. Over the years, I've spent an extended amount of time in Phillipines, America, Australia, China, Singapore and Malaysia. My native language is actually English, although I am able to speak a little bit of the other languages.

In my spare time, I play poker (which I'm not very good at), cook (which I'm also not very good at) and listen to a lot of music (which I'm good at because it means I just have to sit down). I lead a relatively unhealthy lifestyle that involves a lot of vices including sleeping at 5am and waking up at 2pm. It happens a lot, more than you think.

I don't really care much for an education although I'm doing my MBA now at Tsinghua. I think the best benefits an education can really bring is not in the amount of rote learning that you would have done, but more on the aspects of thinking and knowledge - knowledge from all the reading that you do, or can do outside your school.

Life to me is about being able to do what you enjoy and making the best of things. I believe that motivation to achieve something should come internally from within you instead of externally (such as money, status, power) because that can be fleeting at times. Friendship is possibly the most important thing after family, and I have little space for religion and politics.

I don't believe in love. And I don't think people should settle for less when they are looking for a partner. A partner should be ambitious and aggressive, a partner should encourage you to achieve more - I am tired of listening to guys talk about how they want a partner that listens to them, isn't aggressive and only thinks of pleasing them. In that case, perhaps they should just get a pet rock.


Oh yes, I forgot to talk my work experience. I helped to co-found a technology company ages ago - after the dot com bubble burst, left that because of disagreements with the other founders. That taught me that too many cooks can really spoil the soup. Spent several years in banking, with a commercial bank then an investment bank. And did business development for a manufacturer after that covering international markets. Made me realize how much I disliked working in banking.... maybe it's just the banks that I worked in.

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