Last day in the office, no make that, the last 1 hour 10 minutes I'll be spending here! Had the lunch, had the goodbyes; no tears, it's been the most challenging yet enjoyable career experiences I've had.
Onward to a award presentation ceremony dinner where I hope the dot com will be able to pick up the seed funding. 5 awards are going out, we just need one of them. At this point, there's a 40% chance of getting it, which is pretty good. I mean, you would bet on a 40% chance for some money....
Feeling a bit nervous, excited, apprehensive, sad, etc. I leave for Tsinghua in 9 days. Visa done, money ready - I just need to find accommodation (which I'll do when I get there). Hopefully, everything works out...
Adam Harris - Heaven's Above (Hixxy Remix)
H.T.I.D Hardcore Till I Die
When the rain falls down I look up to the sky
Picture you up there and all I do is cry
Being here without you is like a dying pain
I'm here looking up, searching for you in the rain
You're looking down on me like a guiding star
I will always love you wherever you are
Being without you is like a dying pain
I'm here looking up, searching for you in the rain
Since they took you from me I have no reason for life
You're in the heavens above, looking down with the light.
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