Monday, November 14, 2011

Classes, almost done.

With just about all the classes done, the next couple of months look pretty empty aside from

i) Job hunting
ii) Writing the thesis
iii) Learning Chinese
iv) Traveling

Most of my classmates are planning to head back home and probably stay there until they come back for thesis defense. Those that are planning to stay here have a similar plans, and of course, including getting a job in China.

But an interesting thing to note, is that there are a fair number of people who cannot simply stand being in Beijing (and perhaps China) any longer and are just dying to get out of China. Back to the states, or maybe even Hong Kong (although that's still part of China). But I think in general, the pollution, the attitude and even the facilities of Beijing have left a pretty bad impression on people.

As for myself, I still find a good deal of attraction of staying in China. Although, I have developed a love/hate relationship with winter in particular, I think I could be willing to survive that for the opportunity to be in Beijing. Perhaps coming from where I am, I'm a little bit more tolerant of Beijing's short comings and find them perhaps amusing, or I really haven't had the opportunity to experience Beijing at its worst.

I have come to realize though, that while most companies (banks/consulting/leadership programs) do start recruitment in October, quite a fair number of jobs that you would want require you to start within a month or two. So while it's good to apply for jobs in the mentioned areas, there are a lot more jobs that you can't apply for simply because of timing. Most companies would want you to start immediately because they are non-MBA specific jobs. They will value and take your MBA into consideration, but, the companies do not have MBA graduate programs. So keep this in mind when you start applying for jobs.


Soon, everybody will be leaving and hopefully, getting the jobs that they want. It's been a good 1.5 years? Well, only about a year and 3 months. It's been a good ride. Make the best of your 1st year, it'll be intense but enjoyable. That's the time when you build the friendships.

Good luck and good bye friends....


DJ Volume - Spirit of Yesterday (Nightcore)

I remember the days
I remember the place
'cause I wish you were mine
just a moment in time
say my name in the night
and to you it feels right
'cause into your arms I fall

You decided to leave
just as long as I breathe
it's my very last try
and you tell me "goodbye"
I remember the place
I remember the days
the best time of my life

I call
the spirit of yesterday
spirit of yesterday
I fall
into your arms again
into your arms one day

I call
the spirit of yesterday
spirit of yesterday
I fall
into your arms again
into your arms one day

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