Sunday, April 3, 2011

Come on dream on!

First things first... some stories going around the campus is that a certain Firm will be working with the school to revamp the program after a certain letter was sent to the dean and friends, which was critical towards the program. Especially since the goal is to be #1 by 2020 (to which I'll like to see how they knock the other schools out).

While that is good news, the questions remain.

1. How much will they revamp? You would have to revamp a significant amount.
2. Will they really revamp it? Possibly not, too much change might not be accepted
3. Will the Firm hire Tsinghua SEM MBAs after it has been revamped? Nah. Not when there's H/S/W/K/M/Booth/Col/Tuck/MIT/INSEAD/LBS (in no order) to feed them....

I'm hoping that things will be changed, perhaps before next year. However, I don't have much faith in that happening since there will be a significant amount of red tape (not exclusively to Tsinghua).


To the dean, faculty, and MBA office... here's a little song for you guys... oh, and to the rest of my classmates and future Tsinghua MBAs (I hope you guys get a better deal)

Dreams to survive
Dreams make a wish come true
Keep your dreams alive...

Dream... dream on....
Your dream will come alive!

2 Brothers on the Dance Floor - Dreams (Funk D Remix)

2 Brothers on the Dance Floor - Dreams (Original)

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