Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Semester 2: Start!

Here we go!

Semester 2 promises to be filled with plenty of all-nighters and unhealthy food, not limited to red bull, coffee, more red bull and funky pills that the military secretly uses to keep snipers awake and focused for 72 hours straight.

The holidays were pretty good all in... except for the non stop fireworks on the first day that started at 6.30am... and went on.. until... noon. And the last night, where I not only couldn't hear myself think (that's normal) but I couldn't hear my music either.

Heads up on the classes, China in a Global Economy by Prof. David Li is pretty good. Corporate finance has promises to be interesting and operational management sounds challenging - but from what I heard, it's not as hard as corporate finance.


Had a huge swing in poker during a live game... down to the last RMB3 in my wallet and back to win everything that was lost earlier. All in 3 hours, no other game can provide that kind of adrenaline....


DJ S3rl - Here We Go!

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