Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Time flies so quickly

It's either time moves incredibly fast in an MBA program, or time just moves fast in China.

How can I recap something that's moved so fast? There's an inane amount of reading to be done, as well as homework. It's easy to blink and miss a couple of days - because of the work load, weekends blend into weekdays, and you never seem to get any rest.

What have I learnt over the past 4 weeks? Apparently, a lot, but I just don't understand what I've learnt nor can I recall any.

Leadership - not much, but interesting discussions
Managerial thinking - lots of theories, but I can't remember
Managerial economics - nothing really new
Accounting - quite a bit, pretty technical
Data, Models, decisions - a lot of technical things, but after this mid term, I realize that I've forgotten quite a bit

Which reminds me, I should record down the DMD mid-term for people

1. Question 1 was about two dices - do a probability table for them, then explain whether you would choose rolling two dices at once, or rolling one dice and multiplying the results by two.

2. Question 2, complete a probability table about a guy and his % of getting sick. Pretty simple.

3. Question 3, Cereal company, mean ranges between 500 - 550 grams, s.deviation - 20 grams. Calculate the mean if to meet the guaranteed minimum of 500 grams per pack of cereal. And the probability of 10 packs of cereal having a minimum weight of 5000 grams. Cereal packs are independent.

4. Question 4, Investment returns and the probability of returns. 3 different stocks, 2 portfolios with different % amounts invested in the 3 stocks. Calculate the returns, and probability of returns. Which fund is better?

5. Question 5, two airlines - calculate the range for the confidence levels of empty seats. Second part was, Airline A, sampled 80 flights, 60 were on time. Airline B, sampled 100 flights, 80 were on time. Calculate the differences in sampling, how many would they need to sample to have a 95% confidence level.


Groove Coverage - God is a Girl

Have fun, happy halloween :)

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